How to reset password (login is root) for BackTrack 5 VMware image
You forgot the password to access your BackTrack 5 VM image, then don't worry, this is the solution :
1. Power off the image and edit the .vmx file for the vmware image in notepad or notepad++ and add a 15 second delay for the bios prompt.
Add this line : bios.bootDelay = “15000″ to the end of the file :
Go to my documents, Click on "Virtual machines"
Select the .vmx file.
click by the right and edit in notepad
Add the line to delay the boot 15 seconds
Save the vmx file.
Now go to VMWARE
Right click on settings
Press ok.
2. Power on the image and press ESC to show the boot menu.
3. Insert your BT5 Live CD or configure VM to use an ISO image as the CD. Other Ubuntu Linux Live CDs may work.
4. Select Boot from CD/DVD from the boot menu
5. Boot the Live CD( iso or whatever method you did) in Text mode
6. Once the bash prompt shows, type fdisk -l to show your drives. Usually it's /dev/sda1
7. Make a mount point, type : mkdir /mnt/vmdisk - type enter
8. Mount the vm disk, type : mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/vmdisk (replace /dev/sda1 with your drive’s info) - type enter
4. Select Boot from CD/DVD from the boot menu
5. Boot the Live CD( iso or whatever method you did) in Text mode
6. Once the bash prompt shows, type fdisk -l to show your drives. Usually it's /dev/sda1
7. Make a mount point, type : mkdir /mnt/vmdisk - type enter
8. Mount the vm disk, type : mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/vmdisk (replace /dev/sda1 with your drive’s info) - type enter
9. Change shell roo,t type : chroot /mnt/vmdisk - type enter
10. Change the root password, type : passwd root - type enter and type a new password
11. Confirm the change is saved to disk, type : sync - type enter
12. Reboot the image, type : reboot - type enter
Now you should boot into your VM and be able to use the new password.
After this is working, you may want to change the .vmx file to reduce the boot delay down to a smaller value like 5 seconds (5000), or to delete that line.
If you got a problem, share it in comments.
10. Change the root password, type : passwd root - type enter and type a new password
11. Confirm the change is saved to disk, type : sync - type enter
12. Reboot the image, type : reboot - type enter
Now you should boot into your VM and be able to use the new password.
After this is working, you may want to change the .vmx file to reduce the boot delay down to a smaller value like 5 seconds (5000), or to delete that line.
If you got a problem, share it in comments.